DOS下虽然有edit编辑器和更加原始的EDLIN行编辑器,但近几天我把《THE CRAFT OF C》中关于Screen-Editor的代码全部输机,想自己再弄出个新的文本编辑器。
/* A Screen Editor Subsystem*/ #define TURBOC #include <stdio.h> #include <dos.h> #include <string.h> #include <bios.h> #include <conio.h> #define BUF_SIZE 32000 #define LINE_LEN 79 #define MAX_LINES 24 #define KILL_BUF_SIZE 4*LINE_LEN char buf[BUF_SIZE]; char *curloc,*endloc; int scrnx,scrny; char killbuf[KILL_BUF_SIZE]; char *helpline= "F1:save F2:load F3:find F4:replace\ ^K:Kill line ^Y:Yank ^Z:Quit "; void edit(char *fname),help(); void gotoxy(int x,int y),clrline(int y); void edit_clr_eol(int x,int y),clrscr(); void printline(char *p),delete_char(void); void search(),kill_line(); void upline(); void downline(),left(),right(); void scrolldn (int x,int y); void scrollup(int topx,int topy,int endx,int endy); void display_scrn(int x,int y,char *p); void pagedown(),pageup(),replace(); void home(),gotoend(),yank(); int load(char *fname),save(char *fname); void edit_gets(char *str); main(int argc,char *argv[]) { if (argc==2) edit(argv[1]); clrscr(); return 0; } /* This is the editor's entry function and contains its main loop. Call it with the name of the file you want to edit. */ void edit(char *fname) { union k{ char ch[2]; unsigned i; }key; char name[80]; /*try to load the file*/ if(!load(fname)) curloc=endloc=buf; strcpy(name,fname); clrscr(); scrnx=scrny=0; display_scrn(0,0,curloc); help(); gotoxy(0,0); /*Editor main loop*/ do{ key.i=bioskey(0); if(!key.ch[0]){ switch(key.ch[1]){ case 59: /*F1 save*/ save (name); break; case 60: /*F2 load*/ clrline(MAX_LINES); gotoxy(0,MAX_LINES); printf ("Enter filename:"); edit_gets(name); if (*name) load (name); help(); display_scrn(0,0,curloc); scrnx=scrny=0; break; case 61: /*F3 search*/ search(); break; case 62: /*F4 relace*/ replace(); break; case 71: /*home*/ home(); break; case 79: /*end*/ gotoend(); break; case 75: /* left*/ left(); break; case 77: /*right*/ right(); break; case 72: /*up*/ upline(); break; case 80: /*down*/ downline(); break; case 73: /*page up*/ pageup(); break; case 81: /*page down*/ pagedown(); break; case 83: /*del*/ if(curloc<endloc) delete_char(); break; } if(curloc<buf){ scrnx=scrny=0; curloc=buf; } gotoxy(scrnx,scrny); } else{ /* enter keystroke into file*/ switch(key.ch[0]){ case '\r': /* Carriage return*/ /*see if buffer is full*/ if(endloc==buf+BUF_SIZE-2) break; /* move contents of file below current location down one byte to make room for the RETURN */ memmove(curloc+1,curloc,endloc-curloc+1); *curloc=key.ch[0]; curloc++; /*clear rest of line*/ edit_clr_eol(scrnx,scrny); scrnx=0; scrny++; /*move text on the screen down*/ if (scrny==MAX_LINES){ scrny=MAX_LINES-1; scrollup(0,0,LINE_LEN,scrny); } else scrolldn(scrnx,scrny); gotoxy(scrnx,scrny); printline(curloc); endloc++; break; case '\b': /*backspace*/ if(curloc==buf) break; left (); delete_char(); break; case 11: /*C-K:kiil line*/ kill_line(); break; case 25: /*C-Y:yank kill buffer*/ yank(); break; default: if(endloc==buf+BUF_SIZE-2) break; /*can't type past end of line*/ if(scrnx==LINE_LEN) break; memmove(curloc+1,curloc,endloc-curloc+1); *curloc=key.ch[0]; putch(*curloc); scrnx++; gotoxy(scrnx,scrny); printline(curloc+1); curloc++; endloc++; } gotoxy(scrnx,scrny); } }while(key.ch[0]!=26); } /* Display a line pointed to by P.*/ void printline(register char *p) { register int i; i=scrnx; while(*p!='\r'&& *p && i<LINE_LEN){ putch(*p); p++; i++; } } /*Insert previously killed line*/ void yank() { char *p; p=killbuf; while(*p){ memmove(curloc+1,curloc,endloc-curloc+1); *curloc=*p; if(scrnx<LINE_LEN){ putch(*curloc); scrnx++; } curloc++; endloc++; p++; } printline (curloc); } /*Delete the line at the current location*/ void kill_line() { register int i; char *p,*killbufptr; if(*curloc=='\r'){ delete_char(); return; } edit_clr_eol(scrnx,scrny); /*find out how many characters are in the line*/ p=curloc; i=0; killbufptr=killbuf; while(*p!='\r' && p<endloc){ i++; *killbufptr=*p; p++; if(killbufptr<killbuf+KILL_BUF_SIZE-2) killbufptr++; } *killbufptr='\0'; /*remove the line*/ memmove(curloc,curloc+1,endloc-curloc); endloc-=i; } /*Global search and replace*/ void replace() { register int len1; char str1[80],str2[80]; char *p,*p2; clrline(MAX_LINES); gotoxy(0,MAX_LINES); printf("enter string to replace: "); edit_gets(str1); clrline(MAX_LINES); gotoxy(0,MAX_LINES); printf ("enter replacement: "); edit_gets(str2); p=curloc; len1=strlen(str1); while(*str1){ /*search for a string*/ while(*p && strncmp(str1,p,len1)) p++; if (!p) break; /*remove old string*/ memmove(p,p+len1,endloc-p); endloc-=len1; /*insert new string*/ p2=str2; while(*p2){ memmove(p+1,p,endloc-p+1); *p=*p2; p++; endloc++; p2++; } } clrscr(); /*find location of top of screen*/ p=curloc; for(len1=scrny;len1>=0&&p>buf;){ p--; if(*p=='\r') len1--; } if(*p=='\r') p++; /*redisplay current screen*/ display_scrn(0,0,p); help(); } /*Delete character at the current location.*/ void delete_char() { gotoxy(scrnx,scrny); if(*curloc=='\r'){ scrollup(0,scrny+1,LINE_LEN,MAX_LINES-1); memmove(curloc,curloc+1,endloc-curloc); endloc--; display_scrn(scrnx,scrny,curloc); help(); } else{ memmove(curloc,curloc+1,endloc-curloc); endloc--; printline(curloc); printf(" "); } } /*Display help line*/ void help() { gotoxy(0,MAX_LINES); printf(helpline); } /*Move current location left*/ void left() { if(curloc==buf) return; scrnx--; if(scrnx<0){ scrnx=0; upline(); /*find end of line*/ while(*curloc!='\r'){ curloc++; scrnx++; } } else curloc--; } /*Move currrent position right*/ void right() { /*can't move rihgt*/ if(curloc+1>endloc) return; scrnx++; /*if at end of line,go to next one*/ if(scrnx>LINE_LEN||*curloc=='\r'){ scrnx=0; scrny++; if(scrny==MAX_LINES){ scrny=MAX_LINES-1; downline(); /*move cursor and current loc to start of new line*/ curloc--; while(*curloc!='\r') curloc--; curloc++; scrnx=0; } else curloc++; } else curloc++; } /*Find a string*/ void search() { char str[80]; register char *p; int len,i; clrline(MAX_LINES); gotoxy(0,MAX_LINES); printf("search string: "); edit_gets(str); if(!*str) return; p=curloc; len=strlen(str); /*search for the string*/ while(*p && strncmp(str,p,len)) p++; if(!*p) return; /*back up to start of line*/ i=0; while(p>buf&&*p!='\r'){ p--; i++; } p++; i--; /*reposition current location to start of match*/ curloc=p+i; scrnx=i; scrny=0; /*diplay screenof text at location of match*/ clrscr(); display_scrn(0,0,p); help(); } /*Move up one line.*/ void upline() { register int i; char *p; if(curloc==buf) return; p=curloc; if(*p=='\r') p--; /*back up loacator to start of current line.*/ for(;*p!='\r'&&p>buf;p--); if(*p!='\r') return; curloc=p; curloc--; i=scrnx; /*find start of next line*/ while(*curloc!='\r' && curloc>=buf) curloc--; scrny--;scrnx=0; curloc++; /*at top of screen,must scroll up*/ if(scrny<0){ scrolldn(0,0); scrny=0; gotoxy(0,0); printline(curloc); } /* position the cursor and current location at same scrnx position as previous line if possible*/ while(i&& *curloc!='\r'){ curloc++; scrnx++; i--; } } /* Move down one line. */ void downline() { register int i; char *p; i=scrnx; p=curloc; /* advance current location to start to next line*/ while(*p!='\r' && p<endloc) p++; if(p==endloc) return; p++; curloc=p; scrny++;scrnx=0; /*if moving down past the bottom of the screen*/ if(scrny==MAX_LINES){ scrny=MAX_LINES-1; scrollup(0,0,LINE_LEN,MAX_LINES-1); gotoxy(scrnx,scrny); printline(curloc); } /* advance to corresponding character in next line*/ while(i && *curloc!='\r' && curloc<endloc){ curloc++; scrnx++; i--; } } /* Display a screen full of text(up to 24lines) starting at the specified location. */ void display_scrn(int x,int y,char *p) { register int i; gotoxy(x,y); i=0; while(y<MAX_LINES && *p){ switch(*p){ case '\r':printf("\n"); y++; i=0; break; default:if(i<LINE_LEN) putch(*p); i++; } p++; } } /* Page down MAX_LINES lines.*/ void pagedown() { register int i; clrscr(); /*count down MAX_LINES lines.*/ for(i=0;i<MAX_LINES && curloc<endloc;){ if (*curloc=='\r') i++; curloc++; } help(); scrnx=0;scrny=0; display_scrn(0,0,curloc); } /* Page up MAX_LINES lines*/ void pageup() { register int i; clrscr(); if (*curloc=='\r' && curloc>buf) curloc--; /* go back MAX_LINES in buffer*/ for(i=0;i<MAX_LINES+1 && curloc>buf;){ if(*curloc=='\r') i++; curloc--; } if(i==MAX_LINES+1) curloc+=2; help(); scrnx=0;scrny=0; display_scrn(0,0,curloc); } /* Go to the top of the file.*/ void home() { clrscr(); curloc=buf; scrnx=scrny=0; display_scrn(0,0,curloc); help(); } /* Go to the end of the file. */ void gotoend() { clrscr(); curloc=endloc; pageup(); } /* Load a file.*/ load(char *fname) { FILE *fp; char ch,*p; if((fp=fopen(fname,"rb"))==NULL) return 0; p=buf; while(!feof(fp) && p!=buf+BUF_SIZE-2){ ch=getc(fp); if(ch!='\n' && ch!=EOF){ *p=ch; p++; } } *p='\0'; fclose (fp); curloc=buf; endloc=p; return 1; } /* Save a file.*/ save(char *fname) { FILE *fp; char *p,name[80]; if(!*fname){ printf("filename: "); gets(name); } else strcpy(name,fname); if((fp=fopen(name,"wb"))==NULL) return 0; p=buf; while(p!=endloc){ if(*p!='\r') putc(*p,fp); else{ putc('\r',fp); putc('\n',fp); } p++; } fclose(fp); return 1; } /* Read a string from the keyboard,but do not scroll the display when a RETURN is entered. */ void edit_gets(char *str) { char *p; p=str; for(;;){ *str=getch(); if(*str=='\r'){ *str='\0'; return; } if(*str=='\b'){ if(str>p){ str--; putch('\b'); putch(' '); putch('\b'); } } else{ putch(*str); str++; } } } /* Read and save cursor coordinates.*/ void cursor_pos() { union REGS i,o; i.h.bh=0; i.h.ah=3; int86(16,&i,&o); } /* Send cursor to specified X,Y (0,0 is Upper left corner. */ void gotoxy(int x,int y) { union REGS i; i.h.dh=y; i.h.dl=x; i.h.ah=2; i.h.bh=0; int86(16,&i,&i); } /* Clear entire line given its Y coordinate.*/ void clrline(int y) { register int i; gotoxy(0,y); for(i=0;i<LINE_LEN;i++) putch(' '); } /* Clear to end of specified line.*/ void edit_clr_eol(int x,int y) { char *p; p=curloc; gotoxy(x,y); for(;x<LINE_LEN && *p!='\r' && *p;x++,p++){ printf(" "); } } /* Clear the screen.*/ void clrscr() { union REGS r; r.h.ah=6; r.h.al=0; r.h.ch=0; r.h.cl=0; r.h.dh=MAX_LINES; r.h.dl=LINE_LEN; r.h.bh=7; int86(0x10,&r,&r); } /*Scroll down the screen.*/ void scrolldn(int x,int y) { union REGS r; r.h.ah=7; r.h.al=1; r.h.ch=y; r.h.cl=x; r.h.dh=MAX_LINES-1; r.h.dl=LINE_LEN; r.h.bh=7; int86(0x10,&r,&r); } /* Scroll up the screen using the specified coordinate.*/ void scrollup(int topx,int topy,int endx,int endy) { union REGS r; r.h.ah=6; r.h.al=1; r.h.ch=topy; r.h.cl=topx; r.h.dh=endy; r.h.dl=endx; r.h.bh=7; int86(0x10,&r,&r); }
2022年9月26日 17:05
Social Science or Social Studies including Geography, History, Civics, and Economics is called as Social in the Secondary Education Class 9th Standard Curriculum. NCERT has published learning and study material for all topics of the course to all regional students of Class 9th standard studying at Hindi Medium, NCERT Social Sample Paper Class 9 English Medium and Urdu Medium Schools of the country to the academic year of 2023.Social Science or Social Studies including Geography, History, Civics, and Economics is called as Social in the Secondary Education Class 9th Standard Curriculum.